CM3 Engineering’s de-stacker is a compact, reliable machine that can be adapted to the customer’s specific needs and allows the customer to equip itself with a servo system at the start of the packaging line.
The system is designed to be a pick-and-place manipulator for unstacking thermoformed plastic trays and lids.
With the help of suction cups, it picks up the stacked products from a loading magazine and distributes them horizontally on the packaging line.
The destacker has a double loading magazine to distribute 2 trays side by side and thus increase production speed; on request it is possible to increase the number of magazines for higher productivity.
It is also adaptable to different customer formats as required.
The programming keyboard allows you to set the speed and control functions: automatic speed adjustment, distribution of several trays with a single start, control of product failure with automatic stop of distribution.
Production speed Up to 1,000 pieces/h
Compressed air SI
Basic machine weight 120 KG
Installed power 2.9 kW, 380-400 V, 3 Ph + PE
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