Oil, vinegar and liquid flavours
Oil and vinegar are very common seasonings. Olive oil is produced from olive grinding and oil extraction through chemical and mechanical equipment. Green olives usually produce bitter oil while too mature olives can produce rancid oil. It is therefore fundamental to have perfectly mature olives in order to obtain proper olive oil. Vinegar is produced by fermented liquid. When bacteria get in contact with the oxygen from the fermented liquid, vinegar is created. Some people believe vinegar was first discovered by accident when a wine barrel was stored for too long and turned sour. Oil and/or vinegar dosing plants can operate with: manual activation and dosing semi-automatic dosing on rotating table belt semi-automatic dosing, including capping and labelling automatic dosing including capping and labelling All solutions require a hopper at room temperature (that can be heated on request) The hopper can be: smooth in motion to keep the product moving during dosing and/or stationing In addition to oil and vinegar, many other products can be dosed, such as flavours.